Monday, September 20, 2010

weekend flurries

My niece from Wellesley College was staying with me and celebrating her 21st birthday. this photo is of us at the Boathouse restaurant in Lakeville.
Still feeling hi from the weekend of culture (and food)- the NOW concert presented by 3Corners Contemporary Music Project with Sophie Shao and also the Kalmia String Quartet. It's rare you get to listen to contemporary compositions on classical instruments... fabulous! Also we went to the Millbrook Winery to see the works of three friends- Victoria Hayes, one of the artists is also in my monthly women artists@work group. And then Henry Klimowicz hosted the last show of the season at the Re-Institute. I wrote the following for the Millbrook Independent:

There are many hidden lofty places in our midst.

One is right in Millerton. The Re--Institute, a brainchild of artist Henry Klimowicz, is a, in his words, “response to the nearby Wassaic Project’s energy and exuberance”. Klimowicz has transformed the second floor of one of his barns on his 40-acre farm into reverent space for exhibiting art.

Klimowicz works in recycled materials and so the re-use of the barn, as well as his mode of working, inspired the name of Re- Institute. The first show, which opened last April, featured 66 artists, 100 works and had an attendance of 240 people. If you don’t show up for the opening event you will have to call Klimowicz for an appointment. Between events the location of his loft gallery is hard to detect. He puts a small sign by the road for the openings. Every five weeks through September he plans for the shows to change.

September 19th opens the last show of the initial season. It promises to be an event not to be missed. The Fourth Estate Print collaborative is from Brooklyn and it is a place where master printers work with artists collaboratively. They use innovative materials such as plastic paper and metallic inks. The one week long show will feature a cross section of their output.

Klimowicz’ concept for the Re-Institute is to promote collaboration between people both in-sync and in opposition. The hope is to provide a place for dialogue between artists of all media. Though geographically limited to a short season in a rural location, the website has proved to have an international following. Mid-career artists are offered validity and an extensive global viewership. The Re-Institute provides Klimowicz, the exhibiting artists, and the viewers a connection to a larger world. The re-Institute is located at 1395 Boston Corner's Road. If you miss the opening and want to see the show, just call Klimowicz for an appointment at 518-567-5359. For more information visit

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I didn't want to get out of bed

In the fiction of my painted stories, I create lurid and exploitative tales featuring myself as heroic character.

In that vein, the bed is a place to safely destroy the past, mourn it with the salt of tears, nest until blue and broody, and then create new relationships...
How fantastic is that?